Kiara Advani is on cloud nine as she is enjoying the success of her film Laxmii with Akshay Kumar. The lady is now gearing up for her next film called Indoo Ki Jawani, which is ready to release on 11th December claims the poster released earlier by the makers. The lady is busy shooting for her next film Jug Jugg Jeeyo while her other film Indoo Ki Jawaani is ready to release on the said date. Despite all the odds, she makes a point to appear on her Instagram handle to update her fans and followers.
As per the latest, she has shared a new poster on her Instagram handle showcasing her excitement for the next film. She added the caption that the film is happening for her and is all set to release on 11th December this year. Well, time to catch the poster as under:
This year has been great for the lady as she has a couple of films in her kitty. Her other films like Good Newwz and Kabir Singh with Akshay Kumar and Shahid Kapoor respectively. Talking about her film Indoo Ki Jawani’ it is directed by Abir Sengupta, which is a female-centric movie moving around the dating apps. The lady was quick to share the same on 11th December 2020. Stay tuned to know more about it and others only with us.