Filmmaker Kiran Rao, amidst the promotions for her upcoming film “Laapataa Ladies,” shared insights on Aamir Khan’s emotional response to the underwhelming performance of “Laal Singh Chaddha” in 2022. In a recent interview with Zoom, Kiran shed light on Aamir’s deep disappointment following the film’s lackluster reception, reflecting on the immense effort invested in the project. Directed by Advait Chandan, “Laal Singh Chaddha” also starred Kareena Kapoor alongside Aamir Khan.
Kiran Rao revealed the profound impact of the film’s setback, emphasizing the significant emotional toll it took on Aamir Khan, her former husband. She acknowledged the collective disappointment felt by the entire team, considering the extensive journey and challenges faced by “Laal Singh Chaddha,” including the uncertainties brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic. The project had been a labor of love for Aamir, who had dedicated a decade to securing the script’s rights before bringing it to fruition.
Expressing her satisfaction with the positive response on social media following the film’s OTT release, Kiran Rao highlighted the disparity between the audience’s feedback and the film’s commercial success. While acknowledging the film’s limited opportunity to resonate with viewers, she acknowledged the necessity of accepting the audience’s verdict, recognizing that the film may not have aligned with their preferences.
Kiran’s candid revelations provide a poignant glimpse into the aftermath of “Laal Singh Chaddha’s” journey, offering a reflection on the challenges and emotional investment associated with the film’s release. As she navigates the promotional landscape for her upcoming project, “Laapataa Ladies,” her reflections on Aamir’s experience underscore the complex dynamics of filmmaking and the profound significance of audience reception in shaping a film’s legacy. Stay tuned to know more about Kiran and her ex-husband Aamir Khan, while if you have anything to share you can always comment below and let us know more on it.