As per the recent buzz, we know how the renowned Indian actor Kirron Kher tested positive for COVID-19 on March 20, 2023. The news was confirmed by her actor-husband, Anupam Kher, through a social media post. According to the post, Kirron was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a type of blood cancer, last year and was undergoing treatment for the same. She has updated her fans by tweeting, how about checking her tweet:
I have tested positive for Covid. So anyone who has come in contact with me please get yourself tested.
— Kirron Kher (@KirronKherBJP) March 20, 2023
Kirron Kher is a highly respected figure in the Indian film industry and has acted in numerous critically acclaimed films over the years. She is known for her versatility and has received several awards for her performances, including the National Film Award and the Filmfare Award. Apart from acting, Kirron Kher is also a member of the Indian parliament and has been actively involved in various social and political causes.
The news of Kirron Kher testing positive for COVID-19 has been met with widespread concern and well wishes from fans and colleagues alike. Many have taken to social media to express their support for the actor and wish her a speedy recovery. Anupam Kher, in his post, thanked everyone for their love and prayers and assured them that Kirron was doing well under the circumstances.
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected millions of people around the world and has claimed countless lives. The news of Kirron Kher’s diagnosis is a reminder of the continued threat that the virus poses, especially to those with pre-existing medical conditions. It is essential that we continue to take all necessary precautions to prevent the spread of the virus and protect ourselves and our loved ones.
In conclusion, the news of Kirron Kher testing positive for COVID-19 has been met with concern and support from all quarters. We wish her a speedy recovery and hope that she continues to inspire us with her talent and resilience. It is crucial that we remain vigilant in our efforts to combat the pandemic and take all necessary precautions to stay safe.