Salman Khan’s latest film, Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan, has been making waves at the box office particularly during the first weekend. The film, which opened to mixed reviews, has been steadily crawling towards the 100 crore club, according to early trends on day 7. As per early reports, the film has earned approximately 92 crores in its first week, and is expected to cross the 100 crore mark soon. Despite facing no tough competition from other films, Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan has failed to enter the 100 Crore club.
Salman Khan, who plays the lead role in the film, has once again proved why he is one of the most bankable stars in Bollywood. His fans have been flocking to theatres to catch a glimpse of their favourite actor on the big screen, and he has not disappointed them. And sooner or later he will manage to earn a decent mullah for the film. The film also features an ensemble cast and each of the actors has delivered solid performances, adding to the overall appeal of the film.
Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan tells an interesting story with cool songs and high action drama. The film follows however, has been going low since Monday and does not navigate their way through life. You can find it touching and getting into an emotional tale, that has resonated with audiences across the country.
The film has also been praised for its music, which has been composed by some of the industry’s top musicians. The songs have become popular among fans, and have added to the overall success of the film.
Overall, Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan has been a decent performer at the box office, and is expected to continue its steady climb towards the 100 crore club. Salman Khan and the rest of the cast and crew have delivered a memorable film that has struck a chord with audiences, and it is sure to be remembered for a long time to come.