Kamaal R Khan usually known as KRK has now claimed that he is being harassed and bullied by the members of Hindi Cinema. Hurling this allegation the self-proclaimed critic and actor Kamaal R Khan said the treatment remains the same as the late actor Sushant Singh Rajput has faced in his life. This was the reason why Sushant wanted to leave Mumbai so that he can stay in peace. In his series of tweets, he said he will wage a war against such people in Bollywood alone without any fear. Well, you can check his tweet as under:
Bollywood people bullied #SushantSinghRajput in the same way, like they are bullying me and forcing me to leave Mumbai. Sushant Singh also wanted to leave Mumbai to settle down somewhere else coz of fear. He is dead But I won’t die. I will fight it out with entire Bullywood alone
— KRK (@kamaalrkhan) October 15, 2020
In his next tweet, he alleged that people in the B Town have been targeting him since past a decade and blamed the Congress government for the same. He went on to allege that it was the present Government led by Congress who is making him a Deshdrohi in their rule state.
Bollywood ppl tried their best to use police to harass me during last 15Yrs but police never harassed me. This is why I say that @MumbaiPolice is best in the country. It is first time during congress govt that I am feeling harassed. Cong govt only banned #Deshdrohi in Maharashtra
— KRK (@kamaalrkhan) October 15, 2020
In his next tweet, he called the Congress party as his biggest enemy, check the tweet as under:
Congress party is my enemy by birth. Cong snatched my land and give to poor Dalits in my village, while we were having only that land, so my family became homeless. Cong banned my film #Deshdrohi. Now Bollywood people are harassing me with the help of cong govt in Maharashtra.
— KRK (@kamaalrkhan) October 15, 2020