After getting a backlash from Netizens and even suggestions coming from the Censor Board, we hear that the title of Akshay Kumar and Kiara Advani has been changed. Now, the new title has become Laxmi instead of Laxxmi Bomb. The film helmed by Raghava Lawerence has been getting backlash on the social media for hurting religious sentiments with the title. Hence after a lot of pondering and brainstorming, the makers had no choice to change the topic. The producers Tusshar Kapoor, Shabinaa Khan and Akshay Kumar have finally named the title as Laxmi.
However, despite the change, we still see the netizens losing their temper and not happy again with the change. Let’s check their reactions coming on Twitter that would give you the reason why they are still not happy with the changed title, have a look as under:
#Laxmii Keeping in mind and respecting the sentiments of its viewers… TITLE change kiya? Really? LOL …Sun @aksahykumar we Indians are ready now. return our Sushant’s FAU G. quit INDIA as soon as possible. Chor kahin ka.
SSRians be ready to show what public can do.— SSRFAN (@SSRFAN21905120) October 29, 2020
Wtf.. What’s the difference ??
Pronunciation and meaning r still the same.They think Indians r fools or what? #Laxmii #BoycottLaxmii
— Nidhi ? (@Nidhi_Sh008) October 29, 2020
#Laxmii @akshaykumar These Bollywood ppl will not learn. Its not in their habit. Still its offensive. Try the reverse case, ur masters across the border will teach u a lesson. Playing on Agenda? No more our #Laxmii for these ppl. U can watch ur own films
— Kaur Dhillon (@IndianBotanist) October 29, 2020
#Laxmii @akshaykumar These Bollywood ppl will not learn. Its not in their habit. Still its offensive. Try the reverse case, ur masters across the border will teach u a lesson. Playing on Agenda? No more our #Laxmii for these ppl. U can watch ur own films
— Kaur Dhillon (@IndianBotanist) October 29, 2020
अक्षय कुमार को जनता ने सबक सिखा ही दिया पर अभी भी इस फ़िल्म का बहिष्कार करती हुँ।#Laxmii
— Preeti Pandey (@_PreetiPandey) October 29, 2020
#Laxmii क्यों???? सलमा/आयशा/फातिमा क्यों नहीं?????
— Dheeraj Jain (@DJ23200405) October 29, 2020