Kunal Kemmu’s directorial debut, Madgaon Express, continues to enjoy a steady run at the box office. On its fourth day, the comedy-drama collected ₹2.60 crore, bringing its total earnings to ₹9.65 crore, according to Sacnilk. The film follows the story of three childhood friends on a beach trip to Goa, which takes an unexpected turn. Leading actors Pratik Gandhi, Divyenndu, and Avinash Tiwary deliver noteworthy performances, with Nora Fatehi, Chhaya Kadam, and Remo D’Souza also making significant contributions.
Bollywood trade analyst Taran Adarsh took to X (formerly known as Twitter) to share the opening weekend box office report of Madgaon Express. He mentioned that while the film had a decent opening weekend, there was potential for stronger collections beyond the Mumbai circuit. Adarsh also highlighted the impact of the Holi holiday on Monday, which was expected to boost the film’s earnings, especially in the afternoon. The film collected ₹7.16 crore in its opening weekend, with individual day collections of ₹1.63 crore on Friday, ₹2.72 crore on Saturday, and ₹2.81 crore on Sunday.
Adarsh further mentioned that Madgaon Express would need to maintain a steady performance from Tuesday onwards, after the long weekend. He anticipated a spike in numbers on Good Friday, despite competition from the film Crew, which is generating good buzz.
Film critic Saibal Chatterjee, in his review for NDTV, awarded Madgaon Express a rating of 3 out of 5 stars. He praised the film for its continuous delivery of humor and surprises, even in the post-climax scenes. Chatterjee highlighted the impeccable comic timing of the three principal actors and their ability to bring vibrancy to the riotous farce. Avinash Tiwary particularly stood out for his stoic and measured performance, adding strength and mirth to the film.
As Madgaon Express continues its successful box office run, audiences can expect a rollercoaster ride of laughter and surprises, fueled by the talented cast and the film’s engaging script.