The last weekend we had a couple of movies releasing on the eve of Diwali. One of these films include Suraj Pe Mangal Bhari, which was released amidst all the buzz in the media. Aamir Khan has even applauded the film and appreciated the makers for coming up with something interesting. Well, now as per the latest buzz, the makers are now back releasing the film executively on the big screen in the theatres getting it for Mumbai Cops and their families. The film is directed by War fame director Abhishek Sharma.
While it has actors like Manoj Bajpayee . Fatima Sana Sheikh and Diljit Dosanjh in the leading roles. Talking about the same the makers claimed that the film was made to make people smile and since people are seen passing through the bad ordeal with the COVID in their day to day life, the film will return them with the smile making them comfortable in their homes. The director said one may not return the things people have lost during the lockdown but making them smile also speaks a lot.
He said arranging a show for the Mumbai Police and their families can also make them feel happy and can prove a stress buster they had during their tough time they have faced all these months during the pandemic. The film was released in Indian Cinema on 15th November with a slew of other movies. The film has gained a good buzz around the media. Stay tuned to know more about it and others only with us.