Indian actress and model Malaika Arora recently spoke about her relationship with actor Arjun Kapoor on the social media. She has been getting attention from her fans and other. In a candid note, Malaika revealed that she is enjoying the “pre-honeymoon” phase of her relationship with Arjun and that they are both happy and comfortable with each other.
Malaika and Arjun had been dating for a while before going public with their relationship in 2019. Since then, they have been spotted together on various occasions and have never shied away from expressing their affection for each other on social media. The couple is often referred to as one of the most glamorous and stylish couples in the Indian film industry.
The media attention surrounding her relationship with Arjun, and Malaika has never paid any attention attention to it and that she is used to being in the public eye. She also said that she enjoys being referred to as a “sex-symbol” and that it doesn’t bother her in the slightest. “I love it. I’ve been called that for years, and it’s not something that I shy away from. It’s a tag that has been given to me, and I wear it with pride,” she said. Check her post:
Malaika also spoke about her plans for the future and revealed that she is currently focused on her work and her relationship with Arjun. She said that she has no immediate plans to get married and that she is taking things one day at a time. “Right now, we’re both happy with where we are. We’re enjoying each other’s company, and that’s what matters,” she said.
In conclusion, Malaika Arora’s recent interview sheds light on her relationship with Arjun Kapoor and her views on the media attention surrounding it. Despite being one of the most high-profile couples in the Indian film industry, Malaika and Arjun seem to be happy and comfortable with each other, and are taking things at their own pace. It is refreshing to see a celebrity who is so grounded and focused on her work and personal life, and who is unapologetic about her identity and the tags that come with it.