With a good response coming for the film Master starring Vijay, the makers now plan to release the action thriller movie on Amazon Prime. Yes, you heard it right, Tamil thriller with actors like Thalapathy Vijay and Vijay Sethupathi in the leading roles will be released on Amazon Prime Video on January 29. The makers had a talk with the streaming platform and once they decided the date, they announced it on Wednesday.
The movie is directed and written by Lokesh Kanagaraj, while it is produced by Xavier Britto. The film had its release in the theatres on 13th January on the eve of Pongal getting a very good response as well. While talking about the same, the fans from global locations were demanding for its release in their places, which was not possible for the makers. Hence they came out with the way out to release the movie on the streaming giant – Amazon Prime. The makers were able to find out some interesting duels between the two.
The film has an action thrilling sequence which goes around drama and other elements. While talking about the same, the movie seems to be very much interesting and talking about the global digital release on Amazon. However, as far as film’s global digital coming on Amazon Prime Video, they are expecting to get a wider audience at home along with other regions to catch which will be not possible to get things done with it. stay tuned to know more about it and others only with us.