As the South Indian film Master starring Thalapathy Vijay, and Vijay Sethupathi hits the screen, it created a good buzz around the movie. The film got an overwhelming response in the theatres getting all the first shows booked for the first day in Tamil Nadu. Now, we see people have already claimed it is a big hit on social media. Many of the people came on the microblogging site to express their views calling it a blockbuster film. The film also has Malavika Mohanan, Andrea Jeremiah. Shanthanu Bhagyaraj and Arjun Das.
Check how the people reacted on Twitter about the film:
Totally different movie solid content so far best uh na neeyu ?❤️ @Dir_Lokesh #Master #MasterFDFS #Masterreview
— Bruce Wayne (@zendexxxx) January 12, 2021
#Master excellent till now… Perfect cuts & @anirudhofficial bgm in full form ? @Dir_Lokesh presenting the best #VIJAY in recent past… VJ character is calm, cool & boozy… #KuttiStory song placement ???? DOP top notch… Excellent… Excellent… #MasterFDFS #MasterReview..
— Snehasallapam (SS) (@SSTweeps) January 12, 2021
.@Dir_Lokesh has already superseded the regular format of #ThalapathyVijay films.
Indha Kadhaye Vera. #MasterFDFS
— S Abishek Raaja (@cinemapayyan) January 13, 2021
The terrific terrific first half of #Master . Vijay is at his best with the beast VJS. Complete package for a mass film so far, and too good. If this momentum is kept, we have a MONSTER BLOCKBUSTER on cards. #MasterFilm #MasterFDFS
— Hisham (@hishh) January 12, 2021
Just one hour passed I’m totally in love with this movie @Dir_Lokesh na Nee Thalapathy kooda 10 padam wenum nalum pannalam thappe illa love you so much na ??❤️❤️❤️#Master #MasterFDFS #Masterreview
— Bruce Wayne (@zendexxxx) January 12, 2021
The movie should have been a cracker, the level of expectations that we all had past a year was not this. VJ anna’s acting as usual was upto the level of mass and emotion with comedy. No complaints. #MasterFilm #MasterPongal #master #MasterReview
— Sachin Suraj (@SachinSuraj2) January 12, 2021
Not the kind of movie #Thalapathy fans we expected.
After watching #Managaram nd #Kaithi we all expect a kind of magic from #LokeshKanagaraj but its not..
All it turned out to be a mixed ordinary commercial film which is not flop but average.#Master #MasterFilm #MasterReview
— Mohamed Muzammil (@muzammmil593) January 12, 2021