Actor and director Satish Kaushik is no more, but his last film is yet to release. As per reports, his upcoming film, “Mirg,” with star veteran actor Raj Babbar will be released this year. The film is set to be a posthumous release for one of its lead actors, Satish Kaushik, who passed away this year.
“Mirg” is being described as a social drama, and will explore themes such as environmental conservation, social responsibility, and the struggle for survival in modern India. Satish Kaushik, who is known for his work as an actor and director in Bollywood, has said that the film will be an important commentary on the state of our society. The film is directed by Tarun Sharma who is a talented filmmaker.
The film will feature a talented cast, including Raj Babbar, who is known for his work in films such as “Umrao Jaan,” “Insaaf Ka Tarazu,” and “Prem Geet.” Anil Dhawan, who passed away last year, was a well-known actor in the Indian film industry, and had worked in several popular films such as “Piya Ka Ghar” and “Chetna.”
“Mirg” is being directed by Tarun Sharma, who has previously worked on several successful films such as “Hankar” and “Ghanchakkar.” The film’s release date has not yet been announced, but fans and followers of Satish Kaushik and Raj Babbar are eagerly awaiting its arrival. While talking abou the movie, Raj Babbar said that it was a wonderful experience working with Satish Kaushik, while Tarun is a talented actor. He also remembered how the late actor became the part of the film,which seemed so accidental.
Overall, “Mirg” is shaping up to be an important and thought-provoking film that will address important issues facing our society today. With a talented cast and crew, the film is sure to make an impact when it is finally released to audiences.