Akshay Kumar’s highly anticipated sequel to the 2012 hit film OMG, is set to release on August 11, just before the Independence Day holidays. The film, titled OMG 2, will be released by Cape of Good Films and will star Akshay Kumar, Yami Gautam, and Pankaj Tripathi.
The film’s first promo was released on Instagram by Akshay Kumar, who captioned it with the Hindi phrase “और अनुचित का फ़र्क, जानिए ११ अगस्त को” which translates to “Know the difference between right and wrong on August 11.” The promo video shows Yami Gautam and Pankaj Tripathi engaged in a courtroom debate on sex education curriculum. Pankaj Tripathi plays the role of a father who is fighting for his son’s rights and arguing for the importance of educating today’s generation about the various functionalities of the human body.
OMG 2 is directed by Amit Rai and is written by Rishabh Sharma. The film is produced by Aruna Bhatia, Krishan Kumar, and Vikram Malhotra. OMG 2 is expected to be a thought-provoking and controversial film that will spark a much-needed conversation about sex education in India. Check the trailer as Akki shares it on his Instagram handle, have a look:
Akshay Kumar makes a grand entry as Lord Shiva in the trailer for OMG 2, helping Pankaj Tripathi (who plays a father) as a mentor to win the battle of justice. The trailer has been met with rave reviews from audiences, with many praising Akshay Kumar’s new avatar. The trailer has also trended on YouTube, making it clear that OMG 2 is a film to watch out for.
Recently, Sadhguru shared an engaging video on Twitter with Akshay Kumar, playing frisbee while promoting the idea of OMG 2 and the social issues it addresses. The video has been liked and shared by thousands of people, further increasing the buzz around the film.
Directed by Amit Rai, OMG 2 also stars Yami Gautam and Arun Govil. The film is produced by Cape of Good Films, Ashwin Varde, Vipul D Shah and Rajesh Bahl. It is scheduled to release in theaters on August 11.