Akshay Kumar’s film OMG 2 has entered the coveted ₹100 crore club, making it the actor’s 16th film to achieve this feat. The film has managed to achieve this milestone in just 9 days, making it one of the fastest-grossing films of Akshay Kumar’s career. The film’s success is a testament to Akshay Kumar’s star power and his ability to consistently deliver hits at the box office. He is one of the most successful actors in the history of Indian cinema, and his films have grossed over ₹3000 crore worldwide.
OMG 2 is the sequel to the 2012 film Oh My God!, which also starred Akshay Kumar. The film is a comedy-drama that explores the issue of blind faith. It has been directed by Amit Rai and also stars Pankaj Tripathi and Yami Gautam. Before OMG 2, Akshay Kumar’s last film to cross the ₹100 crore mark was Sooryavanshi in 2021. However, his subsequent films, such as Bachchan Pandey, Prithviraj, and Selfiee, failed to achieve the same success. This led to speculation that Akshay Kumar’s star power was waning.
However, OMG 2 has proven that Akshay Kumar is still a force to be reckoned with at the box office. The film’s success is a major boost for the actor, and it is likely to help him regain his position as one of the most bankable stars in Bollywood. Akshay Kumar is now the joint record holder of most numbers of centuries with Salman Khan as both superstars have 16 movies of theirs in the 100 Crore Club. This is a remarkable achievement, and it is a testament to the hard work and dedication of both actors.
It will be interesting to see if Akshay Kumar can continue his success with his upcoming films, such as The Great Indian Rescue and Ram Setu. However, there is no doubt that he is one of the most successful actors in the history of Indian cinema, and his films are always eagerly anticipated by fans.