OMG 2 had a decent opening at the box office, grossing between ₹8.75 and ₹9.75 crores on its first day. The film performed well in the three national chains, but it faced some issues with showcasing outside of PVR, Inox, and Cinepolis. The opening day collection of ₹8.75 to ₹9.75 crores is a decent start for OMG 2. The film is a sequel to the 2008 film OMG: Oh My God!, which was a critical and commercial success. Akshay Kumar is a popular actor, and he has a good track record of delivering hits. The film also has a strong supporting cast, including Pankaj Tripathi, Yami Gautam, and others.
The film faced some issues with showcasing outside of PVR, Inox, and Cinepolis. This is likely due to the fact that the film is a religious satire, and some exhibitors may have been hesitant to screen it. However, the film is still expected to do well in the coming days, as it has received positive reviews from critics and audiences alike.
PVR, Inox, and Cinepolis contributed 70% of the total earnings for OMG 2, which grossed ₹6 crores on its opening day. The film is expected to earn around ₹33 crores over the weekend, and it has a good chance of becoming a success, especially with the upcoming Independence Day holiday. The positive word of mouth is also a positive sign for the film.
The three national chains, PVR, Inox, and Cinepolis, accounted for 70% of the total earnings for OMG 2 on its opening day. This is a good sign for the film, as it indicates that it is performing well in the major multiplexes. The film is also expected to do well in the single-screen cinemas, as it has a strong appeal to the family audience. Overall, OMG 2 had a decent opening at the box office. The film is expected to do well in the coming days, and it could be a hit if it can overcome the challenges it faces with showcasing.