We know Ankita Lokhande has been vocal on getting justice for Sushant Singh Rajput on social media. She supported Kangana Ranaut for her efforts in getting justice and raising her voice for the late actor. She has been in a relationship ever since she worked with the late actor in the TV show called Pavitra Rishta aired on Zee TV. The two had also gone for a Live In relationship in Mumbai but when things turned bad between the two they departed to pursue their own life and career.
Now, we see the lady moving on to have her new boyfriend called Vikcy Jain. She has flaunted her pictures with the man too often. But of late when she was seen sharing a picture on her Instagram handle with beau Vicky Jain, she was questioned by her fans and Sushant’s fans alleging that she has forgotten her old man. First you check the post she did on her Instagram handle as under:
As you check the post above, you could see many questions as to how she could forget her old boyfriend Sushant who is no more in this world. Someone asked why is not sharing his picture anymore. We also saw the lady sharing a promotional video in a traditional and gorgeous dress with her plate of diyas giving a good smile before the audience. Seeing her happy, many of her fans reminded Sushant by saying have you forgotten Sushant.