Amitabh Bachchan has remained a mega star in B Town. All thanks to his swag, style and muscular look, he has given too many hit films. One such movie was Deewar which became popular among the underworld don in the movie that turned out to be a big hit in the seventies. His fans always overjoyed while copying his style and looks along with his outfits and hairstyle. Big B is also an avid social media user and leaves no stone unturned to keep things moving.
He shared the throwback photo of the film and shared how his old days seemed to be interesting days when the fashion was more about the bell bottom along with something new and interesting stuff to enjoy. He called it to be the days of tailoring error. Well, you need to check the same he shared the same as under, have a look at the same as under:
Amitabh Bachchan’s Deewar Movie Picture
Deewar Popular Movie Picture With Dialogue
Deewar Film News
As one can see Big B sharing the same, he had an interesting message to share. Well, it is very much interesting to see things here. Well, he discussed fashion in the throwback picture. Stay tuned to know more about it and others only with us. If you have something interesting to share, you can comment below and let us know. Talking about the work, he has a couple of films to share, Stay tuned to know more about it and others only with us.