As the Kapil Sharma show aired yesterday, it had one interesting parody that somewhat resembles the popular anchor Arnab Goswami the editor in chief of Republic TV. It was Kiku Sharda who played the anchor’s role of a TV show called Baat Ki Khal for Raddi Channel. Though many loved his performance and even enjoyed it a lot but it seems a section on the social media has disliked it. Perhaps those who feel that Arnab and his channel is doing great work in being vocal on the issue of Justice for Sushant.
We know the show is produced by Salman Khan and it is aired on Sony TV, which remains the highest TRP show on the small screen. However, despite its popularity a certain fringe element on the show was seen boycotting Kapil Sharma Show for obvious reasons, how about checking the same as under:
They are promoting show on controversy. Arnab haters will watch & TRP will come. Clear political agenda to revive their film industry. Cheapest trick to mock death.
Shame @KapilSharmaK9
— Gaurav Mishra (@Imkgauravmishra) October 5, 2020
Making fun of #Arnab in current scenario is utter foolishness.
We all know @itsSSR was murdered & no news chanel is supporting the fight except Republic & brought the dirt of bollywood out.
Making fun of him means making fun of SSR supporters.@republic#BoycottKapilSharmaShow— Ruby Mehra (@RubyMehra16) October 5, 2020
Still time is there sir @KapilSharmaK9@kikusharda
Come & say openly that we and our show is with SSR and all those who asks justice for him.
Kapil you are a biggest bollywood star n celebrity. Your show is already a biggest hit. you should not do this. #BoycottKapilSharmaShow— Dr Mahimna Vasavda (@Mahimna_Ortho) October 5, 2020
Waise ye show hai kya ?
Repetation ofDouble meaning jokes
Flirt with female
Making fun of lips of 1 woman
Making fun of obesity of another
Making fun of poverty of another 1
Years after years and earning Billions for #Charsi gang— invincible (@MrNiranjanSahu) October 5, 2020