Kangana Ranaut seems unstoppable when it comes to trashing and opening fire on others. Now, in her fresh attack after the global singer Riihana, she has thrashed the Pink actress Taapsee Pannu. The actress was seen sharing her views with an indirect comment when Riihana came out in support of the Indian farmers near Delhi border. Taapsee was seen commenting under the hashtag India against propaganda and social media on Twitter.
First check what the Mission Mangal actress has to say about it as under:
If one tweet rattles your unity, one joke rattles your faith or one show rattles your religious belief then it’s you who has to work on strengthening your value system not become ‘propaganda teacher’ for others.
— taapsee pannu (@taapsee) February 4, 2021
Soon when Taapsee tweeted supporting the international singer, Kangana reacted in annoyance calling her a B Grade actor with a B grade thinking. She went on to call the burden of the nation along with being a freeloader in her tweet while calling someone who does not stand for the nation and its unity. You need to check her tweet as under:
B grade logon ki B grade thinking, one should stand up for one’s faith motherland and family, yehi Karm hai yehi Dharm bhi hai …. free fund ka sirf khane wale mat bano… iss desh ka bojh… that’s why I call them B grade … ignore them free loaders …
— Kangana Ranaut (@KanganaTeam) February 4, 2021
Both Kangana and Taapsee have been indulged in war of words and earlier Kangi’s sister Rangoli Chandel has made harsh comments by calling Pannu to be a cheap copy of her sister. Both Rangoli and Kangana have lost their Twitter handle for talking offensive against people. Now, Kangana talks on behalf of her Team handle on Twitter.