As the Salman Khan starrer film Radhe: Your Most Wanted Bhai released the festive time on the OTT platform, it did create a good buzz around his fans. However, there seemed a matter of concern as far as the ratings on the portals like IMDb is concerned. From 4 initially to 2.1 things have gone bad to worse now for the film and it has gone down by a bigger way. It has based as per the 4300 cotes. That’s not enough, this seemed to have come closer to his earlier film Race 3, which was rated to around 1.9 out of 10.
Wishing ev1 a v Happy Eid. Thank u all for the wonderful return gift by making Radhe the most watched film on day 1. The film industry would not survive without your love n support. Thank u ????
— Salman Khan (@BeingSalmanKhan) May 14, 2021
Bajrangi Bhaijaan (2015) 8.0
Sultan (2016) 7.0
Dabangg (2010) 6.2
Tiger Zinda Hai (2017) 5.9
Ek Tha Tiger (2012) 5.5
Kick (2014) 5.3
Jai Ho (2014) 5.1
Bharat (2019) 4.9
Dabangg 2 (2012) 4.8
Ready (2011) 4.7
Bodyguard (2011) 4.6
Veer (2010) 4.5
Prem Ratan Dhan Payo (2015) 4.4
Tubelight (2017) 3.9
Dabangg 3 (2019) 3.1
Radhe (2021) 2.1
Race 3 (2018) 1.9
While talking to the media Salman Khan thanked his fans for catching up with his action drama movie. He went on Twitter to thank them, while also apologizing to the screen owners for pushing his film for not releasing it on the decided date for obvious reasons. The movie has been released on OTT platform, while they have decided to adopt the dual format to release the movie. Stay tuned to know more about it and others only with us.