Sonu Sood has made huge headlines during the lockdown by sending more than 12k students and labourers to their hometowns when the transportation was down. He left no stone unturned to help the stranded migrant workers for sending them back home during the Pandemic lockdown time. Now, we hear that the actor is back in the news as he has mortgaged his properties in Juhu area to raise not less than 10 Crores.
This time he is raising money to help the migrant workers, patients and the poor who have been suffering from some serious ailments. As per the sources, the actor was seen mortgaging his two shops and six flats in Mumbai’s suburb area called Juhu to raise the said amount. As per reports, we know how the Happy New Year actor has helped the poor and the needy during the tough time of COVID 19 lockdown.
His efforts to help the people during the lockdown have made headlines. Now, he is busy writing an autobiography called I Am No Messiah which is going to be released on 15th December. Now, the actor is gearing up to help the patients who have suffered a lot during the lockdown due to the COVID 19 virus. He is now going to help them in their treatment. Stay tuned to know more about him and others only with us. If you have anything to share, do let us know by commenting below. Lets see how things would move, but his initiative is really winning hearts all across the B Town.