Parineeti Chopra is known for her bubby nature. These days, The Girl on the Train actress is having a good time in Turkey. She has shared one picture from one of its beaches in black bikini that went viral on the web. That’s not all, it got a quick comment from her cousin – Priyanka Chopra who said how she is envious about her seeing in the black bikini while the bright blue ocean is clearly visible at the backdrop.
As the Sandeep Aur Pinky Faraar actress shared the photo on social media, she added a caption doing Pranayama in the picture and then she added, it’s a lie. Well, how about checking the post and you can check the comment from Pee Cee in the comments section.
Parneeti Chopra was seen carrying out an AMA session on social media this Wednesday allowing her fans to ask her too many questions. When the fans asked where she has been lately she then shared the picture with the cool ocean background. She informed me that the place was in Turkey. She had visited this place in March and she was lucky to move freely in this tough time. She added she is not taking this benefit for granted. She talked about her films and said that her fans can expect the sequel for Sandeep Aur Pinky Faraar called Faraar 2 with Arjun Kapoor. Stay tuned to know more about her and others only with us.