Shah Rukh Khan is seen gearing up for his next film called Pathan, he is busy shooting for the same. The film remains the most awaited one ever since he has been away from the silver screen with B Town film Zero. It’s been three long years since I saw King Khan on the silver screen. However, he is going to make his comeback with Pathan, the Yash Raj films’ next mega venture.
The film has an interesting star cast with actors like Deepika Padukone and John Abraham in the leading roles. The film is directed by Siddharth Anand and he seemed to have clicked a photo with SRK. King Khan was quick to share the same on his Instagram handle and it did get a good buzz around it. Well you can check the photo, Shah Rukh Khan was quick to share the same, how about checking them out:
We now see the picture going viral and on the web. Stay tuned to know more about it and others only with us. If you have anything interesting to share, do let us know by commenting below.