After the filmmaker Anurag Kashyap was there at the Versova Police Station for eight hours, we now hear that the actress Payal wants some additional tests to be conducted on him. He was there for eight long hours and recorded his statement for the alleged role played by the lady. The filmmaker claims that the lady blatantly lied about him and that she is trying to malign his image in a bad way.
As per reports, the actress now wants a couple of tests to be carried out on the filmmaker to find out the truth. She said the filmmaker has now come up with a list of tests to be conducted against him, which include narco analysis, polygraph test and lie detection test. She has now levelled the me too charges against Anurag Kashyap.
Mr. Kashyap was seen lying before the police claimed the actress and informed that her lawyer is now moving with the plea to carry out the said tests of the filmmaker to find out the truth. Today, we see the application to be filed to the Police station in the interest of justice, claimed the actress. She was seen tweeting about the same wherein she has even tagged the home minister Mr. Amit Shah and the PM Mr. Modi. Check her tweet as under:
Mr.Kashyap has lied bfr police in his Lawyer,is moving an application 2conduct Narco Analysis,Lie Detector &Polygraph Test of Mr.kashyap 2find out d truth Today application wl be filed to d police station,4 d interest of Justice @narendramodi @AmitShah #BetiBachao
— Payal Ghosh (@iampayalghosh) October 2, 2020