As the Telugu anthology drama movie called Pitta Kathalu started streaming on Netflix this Friday, we started getting mixed reviews on social media. The movie has remained the most awaited film for its ensemble star cast and other things. The film is backed by top producers like Ronnie Srewvala in the leading roles. The makers seemed to get good responses on Twitter while others seemed bad.
This makes us realize that the netizens have mixed reviews for the film. The reviews are no different than the ones you get to see the critics coming with. The film was applauded for its different and unique concept, while on the other hand, we can appreciate it for the unique star cast as well. Time to check the reactions as under:
#PittaKathalu you could have made the remake of #luststories instead of this shit @NetflixIndia @nandureddy4u @nagashwin7 @IamSankalpReddy
only @TharunBhasckerD‘s part was good, rest all scrap. Wtf was xlife and pinky. Enduku meeku Netflix ijjat tiyadaniki kakapothe— Gunvoak (@gunvoak196) February 19, 2021
Except @TharunBhasckerD’s short, rest are a waste of time ! #pittakathalu
— corona corona paaripo (@HoppityBee) February 19, 2021
watch “Pitta Kathalu” on Netflix, south indian story telling with a difference. #PittaKathalu #PittaKathaluReview
— vicky (@VickyAgarwalaVA) February 19, 2021
Excellent stuff #PittaKathalu
— Karthik (@Dundi21_) February 19, 2021
My opinion
Ep. 4
Dude please don’t watch this episode.
This one doesn’t make sense.
Waste of time.
In the end the director has a point to say but it’s just ordinary bollywood wala ott script which was forced on us.— Simply Siva (@SimplySivaa) February 19, 2021