Of late, Ankita Lokhande has been making a lot of news in the media. The former Sushant Singh Rajput girlfriend has remained the target of few Bollywood stars for her stand to support Kangana and others. Now, she has embarked with her new campaign called #PlantsForSSR. This is an initiative carried out by the late actor’s sister Shweta Singh Kirti. Ankita was quick to follow the same and she posted a few pictures on her Microblogging site called Twitter handle.
Well, you need to check the photos and posts she was seen sharing the same with her friend Hatchi on social media. Let’s check her tweet as under:
Hatchi and mamma ?
My partner In almost everything ❤️
Planting plants ?
It’s our way to remember him by fulfilling his dream ❤️#plants4SSR @shwetasinghkirt @jainvick @vikirti @_mallika_singh pic.twitter.com/vvr2TJkEfb— Ankita lokhande (@anky1912) September 13, 2020
Just before Ankita came out with her stand, Sushant’s sister was seen initiating this campaign for her late brother. She had planted a tree in the name of her beloved and late brother Sushant, which is one of the constructive ways of remembering her star brother. Let’s check what she tweeted as under:
And let’s not forget our tomorrow’s campaign #Plant4SSR. Can’t wait to see you guys planting trees for our beloved Sushant. What a wonderful constructive way to remember our Star by fulfilling his dreams. ?❤️? pic.twitter.com/AZAtkm2zj8
— Shweta Singh Kirti (@shwetasinghkirt) September 12, 2020
However, before Ankita posted the photos, she agreed to the campaign initiated by Shweta Singh Kirti by showing her nod with her tweet and then thanked Sushant’s family members too. Stay tuned for more on it.