Director Om Raut’s Adipurush, an adaptation of the ancient Indian epic Ramayana, has been lambasted since its release for its subpar visual effects, clunky dialogues, and disrespectful portrayal of Hindu gods. However, there is a new rumor circulating on social media that Raut had originally intended to make the film in two parts, but Prabhas allegedly shot down the idea.
According to rumors, Om Raut, who directed Prabhas in Baahubali, wanted to make Adipurush in two parts. The film was reportedly 3 hours and 20 minutes long, and Raut wanted to film for an additional month to extend the runtime. However, Prabhas persuaded the director and the film’s team that a two-part approach would not be suitable for this film. The creators then scrapped their plan. There is no official confirmation about these rumors or the alleged conversation between Prabhas and Om Raut.
Adipurush, which was made on a reported budget of Rs 500 crore, earned Rs 340 crore in just three days. It had collected Rs 140 crore worldwide on its opening day, followed by Rs 100 crore gross each on day 2 and 3. However, the film’s box office performance declined sharply as negative word of mouth spread on social media. The makers are now screening the film with altered dialogues and by reducing ticket prices.
We know Adipurush as a high-budget film that has been marketed as a visual spectacle. However, many viewers have been disappointed with the film’s CGI, which has been criticized as being unconvincing and dated. The film’s dialogues have also been ridiculed for being stilted and unnatural. In particular, the dialogue between Prabhas and Kriti Sanon has been singled out for criticism.
The film’s portrayal of Hindu gods has also been controversial. Some viewers have accused the film of being blasphemous and sacrilegious. Prabhas is one of the most popular actors in India. He is known for his good looks and action skills. However, some viewers have argued that he is not a good fit for the role of Lord Rama.