Here comes the update from the film Radhe Shyam as the leading man Prabhas giving a treat to his fans. As the day for the New Year dawned this year, Prabhas was quick to share the new poster for his upcoming movie, which can be called as a treat for his fans. The film has remained the most awaited movies in the B Town. The fans seem to be eyeing the film since past few days to get the release on the Pan India level where he is going to romance with the gorgeous actress Pooja Hedge. Looking at the poster, how about checking it.
First you better check the poster as under:
While the posters are seen creating history and are considered as the most viewed ones in the short span of time. The actor will be romancing with the gorgeous lady. As you check the poster, it seems aesthetically pleasing and one can see the film with all the elements of masala in it including, fun, romance, drama and other things filled in Radheshyam. Talking about the movie it happens to be a period drama, which has their darling actor Prabhas. The actor has proved to be an all genre actor. He is all set to take the year 2021 with a stride. Stay tuned to know more about it and others only with us. If you have anything to share, do let us know more about it only with us.