It’s been two years since Priyanka Chopra got married to US based Pop Singer Nick Jonas. When she announced her relationship with Nick, it did shock many as the man was younger than the lady but then things did settle down and the two got married exactly two years before. Since then they never thought to be two different identities but one soul in two different bodies. Their engagements were announced on 8th August 2018 on Instagram.
Then they got married in December the same year emerging as a power couple market their second anniversary now. Pee Cee while going for a date with Nick called her mom and told that she found her love. They met in Europe and dated at the same place somewhere at the romantic getaway in Greece. While Pee Cee talking about Nick calls him super sweet but the one with some awkward bedroom habit.
In 2019, the couple had their first wedding anniversary, while Pee Cee and Nick later announced their first joint venture with Amazon. The show was inspired by their own Sangeet Ceremoney which they produced as well. The show is going to showcase the journey of the chosen couples as they prepare for their wedding along with the epic sangeet night. Now, taking about her work, Pee Cee is currently in the UK for her film’s shoot in Hollywood. While in B Town, she came up with the movie The White Tiger with Rajkummar Rao. Stay tuned to know more about the lady and others only with us.