As days pass, the Punjabi singer and actor Diljit Dosanjh is getting good support for his stand on Indian farmer’s agitation in Delhi. Now, we see the global icon – Priyanka Chopra Jonas coming ahead and supporting the cause. The Quantico actress was seen tweeting in support of the farmers when she quoted the singer Diljit on it. She applauded the singer for slamming Kangana Ranaut for her pro-government support on Twitter and slamming the old lady.
She in her tweet called the farmers as food soldiers and said that their fear should be allayed. She went on to ask the government to sort out things as soon as possible. You can check her tweet as under:
Our farmers are India’s Food Soldiers. Their fears need to be allayed. Their hopes need to be met. As a thriving democracy, we must ensure that this crises is resolved sooner than later.
— PRIYANKA (@priyankachopra) December 6, 2020
On the other side, the actor Sunny Deol who is a MP from Gurdaspur Punjab from the ruling party was seen supporting his government and said that no one should stand in between the government and the farmers as people are hijacking it. Check his tweet:
— Sunny Deol (@iamsunnydeol) December 6, 2020
Soon when he came up with his statement supporting his government, his fans were quick to slam him against his stance on farmers agitation, check the trolls as under:
— Sukhwinder Samra (@SamraSukhwinder) December 6, 2020
What nonsense. It’s not possible to be with both. Resign your Lok Sabha seat and genuinely stand with the farmers. Not to do so will destroy the credibility of your family that has taken 5 decades to build.
— Jassi Khangura (@JassiKhangura) December 7, 2020