Gauahar Khan the former Bigg Boss contestant is making news in the media for getting hitched to her boyfriend choreographer Zaid Darbar. Finally she got married in an intimate ceremony yesterday, and it did reveal how things have gone in the hand cast impression. She was quick to share their pictures on their wall updating about their marital status for their fans. Both Zaid and Khan shared the pictures which seemed to be going viral at the moment. Let’s check what Gauahar has shared and then we will check the ones from Zaid.
So, as you see both of them have shared the same photo announcing their marriage. However, both of their own ways of sharing the caption. The lady said how she has entered into her second phase of her life, while the groom said Qubool Hai which gives the consent I do for the bride. The moment they shared their photos, their friends were quick to extend compliments for the cool look along with greeting them for their big day.
The lady was seen in a couple of movies including Ishaqzaade, Rocket Singh: Salesman of the Year and more, while she has remained active on small screen and recently even appeared on Bigg Boss 14 as a senior and someone who was there to give the task along with Hina Khan and the winner of BB 13 Siddharth for two weeks. Stay tuned to know more about the couple only with. They are now going to throw the reception in Mumbai for their friends in B Town.