As the Salman Khan starrer film Radhe missed Eid release this year, we now hear that the actor is now gearing up for the resuming the shoot for the same. As per reports, a 15 days shooting schedule was left. Thus as per the latest buzz, the actor is going to resume the shoot at ND Studios based in Karjat. The shooting is going to follow soon for the final shoot at Mehboob Studios based in Bandra, which will cover all the patchwork for the film.
As per reports, the makers are supposed to adhere to the Standard operating procedures, which simply laid down by the government. The team is going to take all the required precautions to make sure the safety of the actors and other people. As per reports, the people would be shooting at the outskirts of Mumbai just to avoid travel and other things. They have even booked a hotel close to the studio to accommodate the crew. The makers are leaving no stone unturned to maintain the high level of safety during the shooting.
As per sources close to the movie, the first found of COVID 19 test for all the cast and crew is final and no one has tested positive for the same. The second test will be taken by the people that would come in close proximity on the set that could include the actors and then to the core team. As per the makers, they will be taking care of the high hygiene level. Stay tuned to know more about it and others only with us. If you have anything to share, do let us know by commenting below.