As the Salman Khan starrer film Radhe: Your Most Wanted Bhai is ready to release this Friday, we hear a lot of buzz around it. The film is ready to release both on the screens and the OTT platform, which makes the film to adopt this model for the first time in B Town. This is a usual story of every other movie in Hollywood. Now, with the pandemic still going on in a brutal way, we see the makers releasing the movie in this format. As far as the box office concerned there are several actors that would hamper the collection at the box office.
As per the current situation, few cities in few states have shut the theatres, while others in the country are operating with 50 per cent occupancy. The action drama movie is potential enough to reap 200 Crores in usual conditions but in this Pandemic kind of situation, we see the collection going down and it will somewhere going to manage to get into the hundred crore club, however, the makers will have to wait for few more days than the usual.
On the other hand, as the film is ready to stream on the OTT platform as well. Salman Khan and the makers have the deal with the OTT platform – ZeePlex wherein they have gone for the deal of 250 Crores deal, which is huge for the makers. This way, they will earn in a big way. While the total collection for the film in terms of lifetime goes to a huge amount of 150 plus crores for sure, Also if you note down the overseas collection in the Middle East, US, UK, Canada, Europe, Australia and New Zealand, things would certainly going to change soon. Stay tuned to know more about her and others only with us,