Shah Rukh Khan’s Jawan is one of the most anticipated films of the year. The film marks Khan’s first collaboration with director Atlee, who is best known for his work in South Indian cinema. In July, the makers released a teaser for Jawan, and it immediately went viral. The film has already created a great deal of excitement among moviegoers, and the release date is just around the corner.
Today, SRK took to social media to announce that the Jawan trailer will be released on August 31st at 9:00 PM IST. He wrote, “I can’t celebrate the release of Jawan without you all. I’ll be at the Burj Khalifa on August 31st at 9:00 PM IST to celebrate Jawan with you all. And since love is the most beautiful feeling in the world, why don’t you all wear red and join me? Are you ready?”
The Jawan trailer is sure to be a major event, and it will be interesting to see how the film is received by audiences. Khan is one of the biggest stars in India, and his return to the big screen is sure to be a major success.
Shah Rukh Khan is all set to celebrate the release of his upcoming film, Jawan, with fans at the Burj Khalifa on August 31st at 9:00 PM IST. He made the announcement on social media, writing, “I can’t celebrate the release of Jawan without you all. I’ll be at the Burj Khalifa on August 31st at 9:00 PM IST to celebrate Jawan with you all. And since love is the most beautiful feeling in the world, why don’t you all wear red and join me? Are you ready?”