The moment the dialogue in a rap version from the Star Plus show called Saath Nibhaana Saathiya went viral, the fans seemed asking several burning question like ‘Rasode mein kaun tha’. These questions have been posed in different jokes and memes on the social media. However, as per the latest buzz, it seems that Gopi bahu has an answer for the same! The makers have released the first teaser of the said show for its second season. It has Devoleena Bhattacharjee in it who is playing her iconic role of Gopi Bahu.
To launch the new season, one can catch the teaser as the leading lady shares the same. Well, if you have not checked the teaser as yet, have a look at the same as under:
As she shared the same she informed how she is back with the popular demand. In the said teaser, we see the Bigg Boss 13 lady Devoleena referring to ‘rasode’ and ‘cooker’. These are the words that have gained a good buzz from the viral video seen in the social media. It is a 30 second teaser and one can see the lady (Bhattacharjee) dressed in a pink saree in a role called Gopi. Stay tuned to know more about it and others only with us. If you have anything to share, do comment and let us know more on it.