Ashish Sonkar is a known name in short films and as per the latest update from the actor’s social media accounts have been hacked. The actor informed that his social media account was hacked leading the hacker to send out porn messages and rumors about the actor. As per the actor, the hacker is smart enough to add a virus on his device, which got the entry from the backdoor without the actor’s knowledge. This led to chaos, allowing the hacker to easily hack his device leading him to take a complete control on the social media accounts.
While talking to us, the actor revealed that he has lodged the complaint to the concerned department in the central agency – CBI. He added that they are leaving no stone unturned to keep track of the man. He even has assured that soon the problem is going to be resolved and the cyber crook who has taken his social media accounts under his control. Hence he has appealed to his fans not to respond to any messages coming from his social media accounts.
He also said that he has noticed the hacker spreading rumors about him alleging that he is involved in some illegal acts. He then added saying that one should not believe in the messages about him. Also, he has requested to call him in case anyone wants to confirm about the same. Well, he has to load many things to update once the matter is resolved. Hopefully, he will be able to sort out the issue in the coming few days and get rid of the problems.