Bollywood heartthrob Sidharth Malhotra is starting off the year 2024 with a bang as he gears up for his first web series, Indian Police Force, directed by Rohit Shetty. This marks his debut in the streaming world. However, that’s not all on Sidharth’s plate, as he is also in talks for two exciting projects with production house Junglee Pictures. The films are reportedly helmed by acclaimed directors Meghna Gulzar and Jeethu Joseph.
According to a source cited by Peeping Moon, Sidharth and Junglee Pictures have been in discussions for a collaboration for several months now. The talks revolve around two movies – one directed by Meghna Gulzar and the other by Jeethu Joseph, known for his blockbuster Malayalam movie franchise, Drishyam. While Sidharth hasn’t signed on the dotted line yet, these projects are still in the conversation stage. Depending on how the discussions progress, he might ultimately decide to take on one or even both of them.
As always, Meghna Gulzar’s project is based on a true story, promising a compelling narrative. On the other hand, Jeethu Joseph’s project revolves around a courageous, sharp, and quick-witted law enforcement officer who embarks on a high-stakes international mission to fight for truth and justice. Both films are eyeing a production stage in 2024, adding to the anticipation surrounding Sidharth’s upcoming ventures.
In addition to his web series and potential collaborations with Junglee Pictures, Sidharth Malhotra has his next theatrical release, Yodha, lined up for an April 2024 debut. Furthermore, he has reportedly signed on for Dinesh Vijan’s Spider, alongside the talented Janhvi Kapoor. This action thriller, directed by Tushar Jalota, who gained recognition for the film Dasvi, is set to begin filming in January 2024.
With a web series, theatrical releases, and exciting collaborations in the pipeline, Sidharth Malhotra’s fans have much to look forward to in the coming year. The actor’s diverse projects across different platforms showcase his versatility and commitment to delivering engaging and memorable performances on screen.