The B Town actor Sonu Sood is leaving no stone unturned to keep things under control. He has played a vital role in sending many migrant workers back to their homes. He left no stone unturned to play his part in sending more than 12k laborers, daily wage workers and students back to their respective homes in MP, UP, Bihar and other states. He emerged as a proven messiah for one and all while doing things the right time.
Many people are seen reaching out to social media on a daily basis with their issues and thus remain active in trying things the right way. He was seen coming across a fake account on social media who was trying to take mileage from his name and playing a different role in it. Sonu Sood was quick to understand the same and hence he made his fans aware about it along with warning the man who was behind it. Well, let’s check what he has to say in his Twitter account about the fake account as under:
You will be arrested soon for cheating innocent people my dear. So stop your cheating business before it’s too late.
— sonu sood (@SonuSood) August 21, 2020
As you can see the actor is even warning the man who is handling his fake account handle. Well stay tuned to know more about it and others only with us. In the meantime, if you have anything to share, do let us know more on it.