It seems that the cop drama film Sooryavanshi starring Akshay Kumar is pushed again. The film which was supposed to hit the screens this Diwali is once again pushed indefinitely. The film was supposed to hit this Diwali but as we see the theatres still locked in the Pandemic, the makers seemed to have decided to push the release date. Talking about the same, the CEO Reliance Entertainment, Mr. S Sarkar said that they are not releasing the film this Diwali.
He added that they are going to take the decision soon as it is next to impossible to release the film this Diwali for obvious reasons. With the Unlock 5 guidelines barring the cinema halls to open this pandemic the makers are finding enough difficulties in releasing the film. Although the theaters are opening soon in the Unlock 5, yet there are less chances to see a higher footfall among the cine goers, which brings back the makers to square one. They call the guidelines by the government to be unrealistic for the makers, which has further kept the film on hold.
The film was earlier supposed to get the release on 24th March but with the lockdown coming in its way, things have gone down. Similar is the story of the Ranveer Singh starrer film 83, which is also the Reliance Entertainment venture with Kabir Khan. They are planning to release in Christmas 2020 but with things getting delayed due to pandemic it may face a push to the next year. Well, lets see how things would go but at the moment things are not rosy for the makers. Stay tuned to know more about this film and others only with us.