Srikanth, starring Rajkummar Rao in the lead role, continues to perform exceptionally well at the box office in India. According to, the film has surpassed ₹11 crore within just three days of its release. Rajkummar Rao portrays the character of Srikanth Bolla in the film. The report suggests that Srikanth earned ₹2.25 crore on its opening day, followed by ₹4.2 crore on the second day.
Early estimates indicate that the film collected ₹5.5 crore net on its third day, bringing the total earnings to ₹11.95 crore. On Sunday, Srikanth had an overall 25.59 percent occupancy for its Hindi version. The film was released in theaters on May 10. The Hindustan Times review of the film highlights its effective portrayal of the lack of empathy towards people with disabilities in our society.
Srikanth sheds light on the biases prevalent in the educational system and employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities. The film showcases a scene where Srikanth seeks investors for his business, and a company, hesitant to invest, tries to exploit him by suggesting he make candles for Diwali, something often associated with visually impaired individuals. Rajkummar Rao, in an interview with news agency ANI, expressed his sentiments about playing the character of Srikanth.
He revealed that upon learning about Srikanth’s life and hearing his story from Tushar, he was deeply moved and inspired. Rajkummar believes that Srikanth’s story is important to share with the world as it provides inspiration. He emphasized that we all need motivation in our lives, especially during low moments, and Srikanth’s character in the film manages to both entertain and inspire the audience simultaneously.