It was a big day for Shah Rukh Khan as he celebrated his 55th birthday in Dubai. His fan club called SRKUniverse had a virtual celebration roping in all the fans asking him to join the gala time. As King Khan is found in Dubai, we can see the celebration reaching to the next level/ The iconic skyscraper in Dubai called Burj Khalifa seemed lighting up in the honor of the actor with his name and special greetings to mark 55th birthday this Monday.
The actor and his family are enjoying good time watching the matches of the IPL played in UAE. As the actor was present in Dubai, the people of this place showcased the love for him. On this even, the tower was seen illuminating with his birthday wish, which pleased the actor saying its pleasing, check what the actor tweeted as under:
It’s nice to see myself on the biggest and tallest screen in the world. My friend @mohamed_alabbar has me on the biggest screen even before my next film. Thanks & love u all @BurjKhalifa & @EmaarDubai. Being my own guest in Dubai… my kids mighty impressed and me is loving it!
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) November 2, 2020
He then shared the video of the Burj Khalifa illuminating at the back, how about checking the same as under:
His daughter Suhana’s friend also shared similar pictures with the tower at the back. Stay tuned to know more about the actor only with us.