As Shah Rukh Khan is gearing up to celebrate his 55th birthday this Monday, we hear about the plans on his big day by his fans. As per reports, it is going to be a grant affair but everything would be carried out virtually. Unlike the previous year when the actor was there on his rooftop to wave to his fans who have gathered across Mannat, this time they will miss his glimpse from his residence. Hence the fan club of the superstar is planning to make the event big.
As per reports, we can see the actor currently based in UAE with his family to cheer his team KKR and while talking about his birthday plans, he has categorically said to his fans that this time his love for them would come from far away for the obvious reasons. As per reports, the club members would be organizing the cake cutting ceremony virtually which can be accessed all across the globe.
As per Mumbai Mirror reports, Yash Paryani who is the member of SRK fan club has requested the fans to join the actor virtually from their home. He even said that this year they would do everything virtually considering the festive time. The fans have all the virtual experience from Mannat starting from Monday midnight. All thanks to the fan club, which is taking care of the celebration starting from midnight to morning Monday time. They have different events on this big day including selfie booths, SRK quizzes, live interactions and games.