A big day there for Aryaan Khan as he celebrates his birthday today. The Khan family is still there in Dubai as they have been to this country for the IPL as their team – Kolkata Knight Riders was playing in it. Even Shah Rukh Khan also celebrated his 55th birthday in the city of Dubai with the highest tower in the city Burj Khalifa also wished him on his big day. Now, we have his son celebrating the big day on 12th of November, making it big for the first time as he is reported in the media.
Suhana was quick to share the Dubai trip pictures on her Instagram handle. She called Aryan as her bestie as she shared her photo with him in Dubai while coming out with her Instagram story. She added the caption saying Happy Birthday to my best friend in the story. We know the entire family is in Dubai to enjoy the matches since October till date. These include father Shah Rukh Khan, mom – Gauri Khan and the kids – Aryan Khan, Suhana Khan and AbRam Khan as well.
The family was seen returning to Mumbai recently as the IPL concluded with Mumbai Indians becoming the champions for the fifth time in the 13th season. SRK team KKR did well but was not lucky enough to be in the finals. Well, lets see how things would move ahead today on the birthday of Aryan Khan who is now in Mumbai at Mannat. Perhaps it will be an intimate birthday affair as the impact of Pandemic is still on. While Shah Rukh Khan for the first time had his virtual birthday in Bollywood for the same reason.