The sudden and tragic passing of beloved Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput sent shockwaves across the nation. The actor was reportedly discovered hanging from the ceiling fan in his Mumbai apartment about three and a half years ago. Since then, the circumstances surrounding his demise have been the subject of ongoing investigation. Sushant’s sister, Shweta Singh Kirti, who shared a close bond with the actor, has once again appealed to the CBI to conduct a thorough investigation and provide definitive answers regarding his untimely passing.
In a candid interview with Ranveer Allahabadia, Shweta Singh Kirti expressed her concerns about the unresolved aspects of her brother’s demise, emphasizing the need for the CBI to delve deeper into the matter to uncover the truth. “I am not an investigator, I cannot investigate the case. I was not allowed to enter Bhai’s flat. I haven’t seen his flat where it all happened. I cannot investigate. I want CBI to tell us what happened. Whatever happened, give us proof and let us know,” she conveyed during the interview.
She further highlighted perplexing discrepancies surrounding the circumstances, stating, “We can really come together and plead to CBI to tell us what exactly happened. There was not enough space between the bed and the fan to hang himself. When you leave an apartment, you have to return the keys. The person who deals with that apartment told us that the keys of his room were missing. Why? Where did it go? They had given the keys. Sushant never used to lock his room’s door. That day, his door was locked. All nearby CCTVs were also not working that day. There are a lot of things which do not make sense.”
Despite these concerns, she expressed her unwavering faith in the investigative authorities and their ability to unravel the truth. “They are the best investigators in the country. They will be able to figure out something. I am sure they will find out something. If it was a suicide, tell us about it, tell us how did it happen,” she affirmed, emphasizing the importance of obtaining clarity and closure in this distressing chapter.