As the Sushant Singh Rajput’s case went to the CBI, things have started from the scratch now. They have taken up the case from Mumbai Police and once their team reached Mumbai, the first thing they did was to recreate the same situations on 14th June at the crime scene. This also involved calling a team of doctors from AIIMS to carry out the required work in the autopsy carried out by the Cooper Hospital.
Many had doubted about the earlier autopsy report and people have even shared their doubts on the same on social media. As per sources, AIIMS panel of doctors are required to meet this Sunday and then they will be sharing their reports to the CBI officials by next week. Talking about the same to the NDTV, the doctors claimed that the opinion from the team of experts would be conclusive enough to get away from the confusion raised on the autopsy reports.
The death of Sushant Singh Rajput has raised many issues in the media. As per earlier reports, the group of doctors appointed by the CBI coming from AIIMS have some differences with the erstwhile report. However, while the CBI when started investigating the case, they have opened up both the murder and the suicide angle and later after their investigation they claimed that the former seemed to be apt as the actor seemed to have killed himself. They seemed to have agreed on the suicide angle only. Stay tuned to know more about it and others only with us.