The last time the diva Taapsee Pannu worked with Anurag Kashyap was in the Junior Bachchan starrer film Manmarziyaan in 2018 and then in Saand Ki Aankh with Bhumi Pednekar. Now, the duo is back with their next film Dobaara. Yes, you heard it right, this film happens to be their third movie in B Town. It is a new age thriller movie which is produced by the production banner of Ekta Kapoor called Cult Movies, a new division of Balali Telefilms label. This is its maiden venture in B Town coming from Ekta Kapoor.
Tapsee was quick to announce about the film the moment she bagged it and it came as a big announcement on Friday evening, which shared the first glimpse of the film when she wrote saying on her Instagram post saying let’s do this again! Talking about the reunion of the thriller genre movie, Taapsee Pannu was seen saying that she is lucky enough to get the thriller film in her career and would be working hard to prove a competent actor for this genre as well. Check her Instagram post as under:
This seems to be unique because she has Anurag Kashyap directing the film and it is backed by Ekta Kapoor backing the same. On the other side, Anurag Kashayp was seen saying that his vision was to bring out something new and fresh for the audience and that he is very much excited about the movie. She said this is her third collaboration with Taapsee Pannu. Stay tuned to know more about the film and the lady only with us.