The launch of “The Archies” ignited the ever-present debate on nepotism in Bollywood, with star kids Khushi Kapoor, Suhana Khan, and Agastya Nanda facing public scrutiny. However, amidst the criticism, veteran lyricist Javed Akhtar has emerged as a surprising voice of support for Nanda, lauding his performance in the Zoya Akhtar film.
Akhtar acknowledged his potential for facing criticism for praising his daughter Zoya’s directorial efforts, yet he made a clear distinction when it comes to Agastya’s talent. He declared him “one of the most brilliant emerging talents in the Hindi film industry since Rishi Kapoor over half a century ago.”
This high praise is particularly noteworthy, considering Kapoor was known for his natural charm and ability to portray vulnerable, “masoom” characters – something Akhtar believes Nanda also embodies. He sees Nanda as a welcome counterpoint to the prevalent macho image often projected by today’s heroes.
This unexpected endorsement from a respected figure like Akhtar throws a curveball into the nepotism debate. While the film itself has received mixed reviews, Nanda’s performance seems to have earned at least one influential admirer.
It remains to be seen whether Akhtar’s words will impact the public’s perception of Nanda and the film. However, his outspoken support certainly adds a new layer to the ongoing conversation about opportunities and talent in the Indian film industry.
During a conversation with Rediff, Javed Akhtar shared that he predicted Agastya’s stardom, describing him as an unpretentious and innocent hero—a departure from the traditional toxic macho image. Drawing parallels with Rishi Kapoor in ‘Bobby,’ Akhtar believes Agastya will captivate the youth, especially girls.
Akhtar disclosed that movie enthusiasts are drawn to Bollywood star kids on screen, recounting an emotional incident at the film premiere. A 70-year-old lady, moved to tears, reminisced about her youth when she was enamored with the Archies.
However, Akhtar’s praise for Agastya Nanda faced criticism on Reddit. Some users expressed disappointment, citing Agastya’s perceived lack of charisma and awkward dialogue delivery. The nepotism debate resurfaced, with users referencing past instances involving Sara, Jhanvi, and Ananya.