The latest from Priyanka Chopra was the film The White Tiger, which has emerged as the number one film released on Netflix worldwide. Pee Cee was seen playing the leading lady’s role in it. The moment she realized she shared a story on Instagram expressing her excitement on the success of her latest movie released on Netflix across the globe. While sharing the story about the said movie, she expressed her excitement as to how it was seen on the upper slot followed by the films like Outside the Wire and We Can Be Heroes with PC in it.
She said that she is too excited to share the news about her film turning number one across the globe. She thanked everyone in her Instagram story. Earlier, she had expressed her happiness to the initial response from her film. Check what she tweeted about the film as under:
Ending opening weekend with a full heart. I’m blown away by the love for #TheWhiteTiger’s release on @netflix this weekend. Your support in watching this film has made it trend globally in the top 10 in less than 48 hours + counting.
(1/4)— PRIYANKA (@priyankachopra) January 24, 2021
Talking about the movie, the film is directed by Ramin Bahrani, while it is based on the novel by Araving Adiga who bagged the Booker Prize for this novel. The film also has Adarsh Gourav in the leading role, while Priyanka Chopra and Rajkummar Rao were seen in the supporting actors’ roles. Pee Cee is also the co-producer of the movie. Stay tuned to know more about it only with us.