Trisha Krishnan has expressed her strong disapproval of her Leo co-star Mansoor Ali Khan’s inappropriate and disrespectful remarks about her. Khan had recently made insensitive comments about expecting a bedroom scene between them during the film’s production. Krishnan denounced these remarks as “vile and disgusting,” emphasizing that no such scene was ever planned or filmed. She further clarified that she was never introduced to Khan on set, making his statement entirely fabricated.
Krishnan’s response highlights the importance of fostering a respectful and professional work environment in the film industry. Such comments, rooted in personal assumptions and devoid of factual basis, are not only disrespectful to the actress but also undermine the integrity of the filmmaking process. It is crucial to address such incidents to promote a more inclusive and respectful culture within the industry.
Actress Trisha Krishnan has fiercely condemned the derogatory remarks made about her by her Leo co-star, Mansoor Ali Khan. Krishnan, who shares no scenes with Khan in the upcoming film, has vowed never to collaborate with him again.
In a strongly worded statement, Krishnan expressed her disgust at Khan’s “vile and disgusting” comments, characterizing them as “sexist, disrespectful, misogynistic, repulsive, and in bad taste.” She further asserted that Khan’s desire for a bedroom scene between them was entirely fabricated, as no such scene was ever planned or filmed.
Check her tweet as under:
A recent video has come to my notice where Mr.Mansoor Ali Khan has spoken about me in a vile and disgusting manner.I strongly condemn this and find it sexist,disrespectful,misogynistic,repulsive and in bad taste.He can keep wishing but I am grateful never to have shared screen…
— Trish (@trishtrashers) November 18, 2023