Sidharth Malhotra and Janhvi Kapoor are set to team up for the first time in a thriller produced by Dinesh Vijan’s Maddock Films and Jio Studios. The director’s name has not been revealed yet, but Bollywood Hungama has exclusive news on it.
“According to insider information, Dinesh Vijan’s production starring Sidharth Malhotra and Janhvi Kapoor is set to be directed by Tushar Jalota, known for his work on the Abhishek Bachchan-led film ‘Dasvi.’ This upcoming project is a thriller, and production is scheduled to commence in 2024. Tushar initially presented the script to Dinesh Vijan, who was greatly impressed by the content, leading to the casting discussions with the two actors,” revealed a source to Bollywood Hungama.
The source went on to explain that both Sidharth and Janhvi were separately considering individual projects with Dinesh Vijan, but the stars aligned when they both expressed interest in the upcoming thriller set to begin filming in the first half of 2024. Meanwhile, Dinesh Vijan is gearing up for the release of Shahid Kapoor and Kriti Sanon’s next film during the Valentine’s Day 2024 weekend.”
The source went on to explain that both Sidharth and Janhvi were separately considering individual projects with Dinesh Vijan, but the stars aligned when they both expressed interest in the upcoming thriller set to begin filming in the first half of 2024.
The director, Tushar Jalota, has shown his knack for storytelling and direction with his previous work in ‘Dasvi,’ which adds to the anticipation for this new project. As more details about the film emerge, the Bollywood industry and fans alike are eager to see how this talented trio of Dinesh Vijan, Sidharth Malhotra, and Janhvi Kapoor will bring the thriller to life on the silver screen.” Stay tuned for more only with us. If you have anything to share, do comment and let us know more on it.